目的:探讨医学院校辅导员工作怠倦状况,分析不同变量在情感耗竭、玩世不恭和成就感低落3个维度上的差异。方法:采用工作倦怠量表,在安徽省、江苏省、浙江省随机抽取10所医学院校378名在职辅导员进行问卷调查。结果:医学院校辅导员工作怠倦属于中度怠倦。不同年龄、性别、工作年限、职级的辅导员在工作怠倦的3个维度上均存在统计学差异(P <0. 01);且呈随着年龄增长玩世不恭维度得分也随之增多;女辅导员在情感耗竭、玩世不恭和成就感低落3个维度上得分均高于男性辅导员;工作年限5~10年辅导员情绪耗竭得分显著高于其他工作年限组(P <0. 01),<3年组得分低于3~<5年组(P <0. 01);工作年限<3年组、3~<5年组和5~10年组成就感低落得分依次降低(P <0. 05~P <0. 01);随着职级增高情绪耗竭得分降低(P <0. 05~P <0. 01);副科级玩世不恭得分高于科员和正科级(P <0. 01和P <0. 05);不同学历的医学院校辅导员在情绪耗竭得分上博士、硕士、本科依次降低(P <0. 01);在玩世不恭维度得分差异无统计学意义(P> 0. 05);在成就感低落得分博士、硕士、本科依次升高(P <0. 01)。结论:医学院校辅导员工作怠倦属于中度怠倦,其不同变量上差异对医学院校辅导员队伍建设、职业化专业建设和医学院校辅导员身心健康发展有着理论指导意义。
Objective: To explore the work burnout of counselors in medical college,and analyze the differences among different variables in three dimensions of emotional depletion,cynicism,and low achievement. Methods: Three hundred and seventy-eight on-thejob counselors from 10 medical colleges in Anhui,Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces were investigated using Maslach et al made,Lichaoping revised MBI-GS( Maach Burnout Invent-General Survey) job burnout scale. Results: Job burnout of counselors in medical colleges was moderate. The differences of three dimensions of job burnout in different ages,genders,working years and grades counselors were statistically significant( P < 0. 01),and the score of cynicism increased with the increasing of age. The scores of emotional exhaustion,cynicism and reduced personal accomplishment in female counselors were higher than those in male counselors( P < 0. 01),the scores of emotional exhaustion in counselors with 5 to 10 years working age were significantly higher than those in other working ages group( P < 0. 01),and the emotional exhaustion score in less than 3 years group was lower than that in 3 to < 5 years group( P <0. 01). The scores of reduced personal accomplishment in working years < 3 group,3 to < 5 years group and 5 to 10 years group gradually decreased in turn( P < 0. 05 to P < 0. 01). With the increasing of rank,the emotional exhaustion score gradually decreased( P < 0. 05 to P < 0. 01). The score of cynicism in deputy level counselors was higher than those in clerical and professional counselors( P < 0. 01 and P < 0. 05). The scores of emotional exhaustion in doctor,master and undergraduate medical college counselors gradually decreased in turn,and the difference of which was statistically significant( P < 0. 01),there was no statistical significance in the score of cynical dimensions( P > 0. 05),and the scores of reduced personal accomplishment in doctorate,master degree and undergraduate degree counselors gradually increased in turn( P < 0. 01). Conclusions: The work burnou
MING Li-juan;RONG Mei-sheng(Department of Student Working,Bengbu Medical College,Bengbu Anhui 233030,China;Department of Medical Laboratory,Bengbu Medical College,Bengbu Anhui 233030,China)
Journal of Bengbu Medical College
medical college
work burnout