This research is implemented to analyze some symbolic indexes of Chinese herbal medicine plant sand compare the content ofβcarotene between different processing technologies.We collet some fresh samples,such as wild A.annua,wild bitter Buckwheat,Eucommia ulmoildes leaf,Herba Houttuyniae and tea leaf which wereat the same growing period,from nine different places in Guizhou province,and depart them into two groups with 10kg each.Some symbolic indexes content were detected in one fresh sample:the artemisinin in wild Artemisia annua(mg/g),the rutin in wild bitter Buckwheat(mg/g),the flavonoids f rom Eucommia ulmoildes leaf(mg/g)and in Herba Houttuyniae(mg/g),and the polyphenols from tea leaf(mg/g).The other samples are processed to contrast the c o nte nt ofβc arote ne f rom four processing ways by sundr ying(abbreviated as sundrying),baking after deactivation(mode rate-drying),high temperature baking(qu ick-drying)or oil-baked ustulating after deactivation(oil-baking).Results showed that:1)the symbolic indexes content are medium-to-high level in the five Chinese herbal medicine plants,therefore these plants can be mixed into the feed as functional a d d i t i ve s;2)the content ofβ-carotene from four different processing ways are oil-baking>quick-drying>moderatedr ying>sun-drying with the ratio of 92.7%~96.1%,81.5%~86.1%,57.3%~65.0%and 15.4%~26.1%,respectively.
Zhou Yan;Wen Yi;Shan Hongtao;Zhang Ying(Zunyi Jinding Agricultural Sci-tech Co.,Ltd,Zunyi,Guizhou,563000)
China Animal Health