高等教育大众化是经济建设和社会发展对教育的需求 ,也是人民群众希望接受高等教育的需求。推进现代化 ,必须推进高等教育大众化。本文在分析实施高等教育大众化进程中有关制约因素及其对策的基础上 ,提出大力发展现代远程教育 ,为实现高等教育大众化服务的观点。
China's social-econmic development needs mass higher education as a means to improve the quality of its human resources, meanwhile, the Chinese people needs mass higher education to enhance the quality of their life Government must give impetus to the course of mass higher education in order to realize its modernization programs This paper analyzes the conditions and restraints that hinder the progress of this course, as well as the policy issues towards mass higher education It also puts forward that distance education should be promoted ad should play a very important role in serving the realization of mass higher education
Modern Distance Education