Based on the panel data about China' s large and medium- sized industrial enterprises from 2010 to 2015, the technological innovation process is divided into two stages: technological research and development and achievement trans- formation. Two - stage DEA Model was used to explore the current situation of technology innovation efficiency of large and medium -sized industrial enterprises in China, and DEA -Tobit model is used to analyze the main factors that affect the technology innovation efficiency. Empirical study finds that the overall technology innovation efficiency and two stages tech- nology innovation efficiency of China~ industrial enterprises is not high ; the innovation efficiency values of the transforma- tion are slightly larger than the average efficiency values of the R&D stage. There are significant differences in the technolo- gy innovation efficiency between different regions, the efficiency values of the eastern regions are highest and the central re- gions are the lowest. Large and medium - sized industrial enterprises' technology innovation efficiency is affected by the degree of market concentration, the degree of government support, the degree of opening to the outside world, the degree of nationalization and other factors.
Science and Technology Management Research