Using the panel data for cities or above the prefectural level in the six Provinces of Central China from 2006 to 2015, this paper analyzes the impact of of the implementation of new urbanization policy on the urban-rural integration, based on propensity score matching and difference-in-difference method. By means of grouping the samples, the policy effects of new urbanization in different conditions of economic and population are discussed. The result shows that the new-type ur- banization promotes the urban-rural integration significantly, and it will be more effective in areas with larger population or less economic development level. Therefore, we will step up efforts to the construction of infrastructure in the new-urban- ization process, promote the citizenship of farmers actively, implement the strategy of rural revitalization, enhance the self-development capacity of rural areas, strengthen the basic work of rural grassroots, and make transfer payment to rural area selectively. It has a great significance for urban-rural integration, and even for all-round sound and steady development of economy.
Enterprise Economy