The properties of the high-impact copolymerization polypropylene ( PPK7726, PPK8003 ) were improved by using the alpha-nucleating agent tma-3 and the polyolefin elastomer (POE). And it turns out, TMA-3 nucleating agent either in the high flow copolymerization polypropylene resin, or in the low flow copoly- merization polypropylene resin, both can be decreased in the notched impact strength are not too many cases, to speed up the crystallization of polypropylene resin, moderate shorten the molding cycle, improve the ductili- ty and rigidity, heat resistance, gift products good surface gloss and GangRen balance. TMA-3 nucleating a- gent used with polyolefin elastomer (POE), can reduce the impact properties of products in little premise, significantly improve the tensile properties, bending properties, heat resistance, size uniformity.
Plastics Additives