Companying with the process of political democratization and the diversification of urban management subjects, citizens tak- ing part in the social public management which including urban management has gradually become a new trend in the field of public governance in China. Citizens participation of urban management has become an important method of improving urban management. Whether in urban administrative legislation, urban government public decision - making, or in the field of urban public affairs manage- ment, the effect of citizens participation is becoming more and more apparent. But at the same time, citizens participation in of urban management has exposed some problems that can not be ignored. Revolving how to improve the quality of urban management, the urban administrative departments in China combining the actual situation have been trying to seek the methods of improving the citizens partic- ipation of urban management. In all the methods, developing the active sense of citizens participation, strengthening the construction of legal and rule system, and enhancing the popularization of law education to citizens are the most important measures to promote the citi- zens participation of urban management.
NingXia Social Sciences
urban management
participation consciousness
laws and regulations
legal education