
社会学与伦理学的争执:涂尔干的道德科学 被引量:8

The Conflict between Sociology and Ethics:A Perspective on Durkheim's Science of Morality
摘要 要把握社会学的根本问题,对其基本思维方式进行辩护和反思,我们应将它置于它曾经努力挣脱的学科体系中,并把它视为对现代伦理学的一种回应。本文通过检讨涂尔干和列维-布留尔的道德科学对伦理学的两点批评来触及社会学的基本主张。针对伦理学把自己理解为一门立法科学的定位,社会学强调只有从对道德事实的实证研究入手,才能为人们的社会生活提供有效的规范。针对伦理学把实现人的本性作为道德的目的的观点,社会学主张从社会功能出发来界定道德。可以从这场争论中看到社会学如何试图通过对经验现实,特别是非西方民族的宗教和社会形态中的合理性的把握,突破西方人文主义传统的典范地位,进而为人们构想现代社会和道德提供不同的思想资源。 In order to grasp the fundamental questions of sociology and to justify or reflect on its basic ways of thinking, we need to relocate it in the traditional disciplines from which sociology once strived to break away. More precisely, we must regard Sociology as a response to the fundamental propositions of modern ethics. This paper examines the two critiques towards philosophical ethics made by Durkheim's and Levy-Bruhl's science of morality. Firstly, classical ethics regards itself as a legislative or normal science whose task is to regulate ordinary people' s behaviors by constructing a set of moral laws with logical coherence. In contrast, sociology argues that valid norms can only be achieved after a positive study of moral facts in society. Secondly, anthropocentrism regards the purpose of morality as the realization of human nature, whereas sociologists emphasize the social nature of people and make the social function as the basis of morality. Therefore, the purpose of morality is to serve the existence of society itself. This conflict between sociology and ethics demonstrates that sociology challenges the dominance of the classical humanism tradition in Western thought and practice by providing a rationality inherent in history and reality, especially in non-western religions and societies. However, sociology cannot alone provide social norms by just studying contemporary society or other ethnic groups or by analyzing their social functions, social laws and social structures. The fundamental question remains what kind of people we want to be and how we should live. This should not only be the focus of ethicists but also the starting point of sociologists.
作者 陈涛
出处 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期71-104,共34页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
基金 国家社科基金(项目号:15CSH004)的资助~~
关键词 伦理学 道德科学 规范科学 道德事实 社会功能 ethics, science of morality, normal science, moral facts, socialfunction
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