研究在各种不同定点方式下三庭五眼的比值情况,探寻最佳定点方式。在1 690名学生中选取颜值较高的48人作为研究分析对象,其中男生24人,女生24人。拍摄标准正面像,左右90度侧貌像,左右45度侧貌像,通过Adobe photoshop CS处理图片,在Auto CAD 2014中进行测量,以P=0.05为检验水准,在SPSS 13.0for Windows中对各种不同定点方式下三庭五眼各段的均分度进行比较分析计算,确定均分度最高的定点方式并计算各项比值。结果,五眼以耳外侧缘点、鱼尾点、眼内角(内眦)为定点时各段均分度最高,男女性间无差异。三庭以发际点、眉间点、鼻下点、颏下点为定点方式时在各个方位均达到统计学上均分,男性下庭较长,女性下庭较短,差异有统计学意义。
To study the ratio of the facial height divided into approximately three equal parts and the facial width of approximately five equal parts in the various fixed-point modes, and to choose the best way. Among the 1690 students, the authors selected 48 beautiful people as the analysis of the object, including 24 boys and 24 girls. The researchers shoot the frontal, the profile and the 45-degree rest image. The authors used adobe photoshop CS processing pictures, measured in Auto CAD 2014 and used P=0. 05 for the test level. The average degree of distribution of each segment of the vertical facial thirds and the horizontal facial fifths under the various fixed points are analyzed and calculated in SPSS 13.0 for Windows. The facial width was divided into roughly five equal parts by the auricle lateral margin of ear, the Yu wei point and the intraocular corner (inner canthus), there was no difference between male and female. The facial height was divided into three equal parts by the trichion, glabella, subnasale, menton of soft tissue, no significant difference between the parts. The lower third of male was longer and female shorter and there was statistically significant difference between the two groups.
Medicine & Philosophy(B)
orthopedics, facial proportions, fixed point, pretty people