In March 2017, "General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China" pas- sed into law which provided general rules for intellectual property rights, just like property right, creditor' s rights, inheritance and so on. For the codification of civil law, the choice of four connection modes between in- tellectual property and civil code including separation type, take-in type, linking type and blending type, in the final analysis, is the choice of two legislative models : one makes intellectual property law as a whole incorporat- ed into the Civil Code as a single part, while another develops specialized intellectual property code. Confined to the limitations of history and the times, the achievements of the modern natural law movement encounters cri- sis in the modern society. In response to this crisis, we need to return to the natural rationality of the tradition of codification, in order to establish a unified private code following the formal rationalism of private life. There is no third way between "into the code" mode and the "codification" mode. However, bringing intellectual proper- ty law as a whole into the civil code, the "into the code" model can realize both the systematization of intellec- tual property itself, but also the continuous improvement of a modern civil code.
YI Ji-ming(Law School, Peking University, Beijing 100871)
Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
Civil Code
intellectual property code
"Into the Code" mode
"Codification" mode
legis-lative choice