

The Integration and Extraction of Intellectual System in Chinese Civil and Commercial Code Compilation:Attached Is the Draft Proposal for the Compilation of Intellectual Property Rights in the National Commerial Code of the People’s Republic of China(Yellow River Edition)
摘要 知识产权是市场经济科学技术财产化的产物。我国《民法通则》在民事权利章规定知识产权专节,与人身权、物权、债权并列,极具中国科学特色和重大理论实践意义。民法典编纂第一步已经完成的《民法总则》,承继了《民法通则》将知识产权作为民事基本权利类型的特色亮点;但在第二步即各分编草案中,知识产权被排除在外。从知识产权的社会基础、法律属性、价值地位及中国新时代特色与市场经济全球化趋势等方面看,不应放弃知识产权为民事权利基本类型的准确定位,知识产权制度中的行政性规范和知识产权变化较快等因素不应成为排斥知识产权编入民法典的理由。在完成物权编草案建议稿后,对知识产权部分进行整合锻萃,继续知行合一,凝拟出知识产权编草案建议稿:总则,专利权,商标权,作品创作者权,作品传播者权,其他知识产权,知识产权证书,共七章195条。加上通则编226条,人身权编247条,物权编398条,共1066条。从整部民商法典的结构看,属于静态性、支配性的民事权利类型已经完成,对所剩动态性、交换性民事权利类型的债权与继承权的研究及条文拟定尚待新的努力。 Intellectual property is the product of the commercialization of science and technology in the market economy.China’s general principles of civil law stipulates special section on intellectual property in civil rights chapter,which is juxtaposed with personal right and real right,and has Chinese scientific characteristics and great theoretical and practical significance.The general principles of civil law,the first step of civil code compilation,inherits the general principles of civil law,which regards intellectual property rights as the characteristic highlights of civil basic rights.However,in the second step,the draft subdividings,intellectual property rights were excluded.From the social foundation of intellectual property rights,legal attribute and value position and China new era characteristics and market trend of economic globalization,and so on,should not give up the basic types of intellectual property rights for civil rights accurate positioning,the intellectual property system and intellectual property rights by the administrative rules change faster factors should not be a reason for exclusive intellectual property rights in civil code.After the completion of the draft proposal of"real right compilation",the intellectual property shall be integrated and refined,and the combination of knowledge and practice shall be continued.The draft proposal of intellectual property compilation shall be formulated as follows:general provisions,right of patent outcome,right of trademark logo,right of work creator,right of work disseminator,other intellectual property rights,and certificate of intellectual property rights,with a total of seven chapters and 195 articles.In addition,there are 226 general provisions,247 personal rights and 398 real rights,totaling 1066.Judging from the structure of the civil commercial code,the civil right type,which is static and dominant,has been completed.The study of the debt and inheritance of the remaining dynamic and commutative civil rights needs new efforts.
作者 王明锁 Wang Mingsuo
出处 《私法》 2020年第1期2-56,共55页 Private Law Review
关键词 民法典编纂 民商法典 知识产权编 草案建议稿 黄河版 Civil Code Compilation Civil and Commercial Code Compilation of Intellectual Property Rights Draft Recommendations Version of the Yellow River
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