Zn diffusion is an important technological process of fabricating the InP based photode- tector. The mechanism of Zn diffusion was analyzed, and the InP based PD and the avalanche photode- tector (APD) materials were diffused by the metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) device. As the MOCVD device has an accurate temperature control system, this diffusion process has the advantages of simplicity, good uniformity and repeatability. For the diffused samples, the influences of the main technological parameters such as the annealing, diffusion temperature, diffusion source volume flow and chamber pressure on the diffusion rate and carrier concentration in the InP material were studied by test and analysis methods of the electrochemical C-V method and the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The Zn diffusion process was applied to the fabrication of the InP based photodetectors and the avalanche photodetector devices, achieving excellent device performance results.
Semiconductor Technology