当前,国内MOOC研究系统性文献较少,为能对最新研究水平做一个整体性描述,以CNKI数据库收录的1171篇国内MOOC研究核心期刊论文为数据来源,运用Cite Space信息可视化软件对相关文献数据进行科学图谱分析。分析了国内MOOC领域研究的时间分布、机构分布、期刊分布、学科和基金分布以及研究热点与前沿。结果显示:北京师范大学、华东师范大学等机构在MOOC研究领域的科研实力较强;教育理论与教育管理、高等教育、图书情报与数字图书馆是文献分布的主要学科;国家社会科学基金与自然科学基金等是主要基金来源;图书馆建设与服务、教学改革与课程建设、应用模式、学习过程、教育信息化等是目前研究的前沿领域;实现国内MOOC可持续发展,探索本土化创新发展模式将是未来努力的方向。
There are few systematic studies on MOOC in China, in order to make a holistic description of the latest research level, 1171 domestic MOOC research papers in core journals collected from the CNKI database were used as data sources, and information vi- sualization software "CiteSpace" was used to analyze the related literature data. It analyzes the time distribution, organization distribu- tion, periodical distribution, discipline and fund distribution, as well as research hotspots and frontiers in field of domestic MOOC re- search. It obtains following results: Beijing Normal University, East China Normal University and so on have a strong scientific re- search strength in MOOC research areas. Literature is mainly distributed in disciplines of the education theory and education manage- ment, higher education, library and information science and digital library. The main funding sources are from the National Philosophy and Social Science Foundation and the Natural Science Foundation. Library construction and service, teaching reform and course con- struction, application mode, learning process, education informatization, and so on are the leading areas of research. The domestic MOOC sustainable development and the localization of innovation and development model will be the direction of efforts in the next peri- od of time.
Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education