
上海郊区社区医务人员PICC导管维护知识认知调查 被引量:4

Cognitive survey on PICC catheter maintenance knowledge of community medical workers in Shanghai suburbs
摘要 目的:了解社区医务人员对外周中心静脉导管(peripherally:inserted:central:catheter,PICC)置管后日常护理相关知识的认知情况,为社区推广PICC维护技术,开展针对性培训提供依据。方法:2016年1月采用自制问卷对青浦区9家社区卫生服务中心参与团队服务的415名社区医务人员进行干预前后问卷调查。结果:社区医务人员干预前后对PICC导管维护知识知晓率从77.86%提升至95.45%,统计差异有显著性意义(P<0.01)。干预后,社区护士、全科医生与乡村医生对知识的认知情况较接近。结论:社区医务人员与居家置管患者接触最密切、最直接,通过提升社区医务人员PICC导管维护知识与技能,以及时满足置管患者的服务需求。 Objective: To understand the level of knowledge of community medical workers on regular maintenance of peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) to provide a basis for the community targeted training for promotion of PICC maintenance technology. Methods: A questionnaire was designed to investigate 415 community medical workers in 9 community health service centers in Qingpu District in Jan 2016 before and after intervention. Results: After the intervention, the awareness rate of PICC catheter maintenance was increased from 77.86% to 95.45% in the community medical workers and the difference was statistically significant (P〈0.01). In addition, the community nurses, general practitioners and rural doctors reached a similar level of understanding in relation to PICC catheter maintenance. Conclusion: Community medical workers contact with those patients for home tube care most closely and directly. To meet the service needs of patients with indwelling catheter, it is necessary to improve the knowledge and skills of PICC catheter maintenance of the community medical workers.
作者 谢建芳
出处 《上海医药》 CAS 2017年第6期50-52,共3页 Shanghai Medical & Pharmaceutical Journal
基金 上海市青浦区卫生计生系统第三轮特色项目(wx2015-01)
关键词 外周中心静脉导管 社区医务人员 认知调查 peripherally inserted central catheter community medical worker cognitive survey
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