
英语写作书面语法纠错口头反馈的实证研究 被引量:2

Empirical Study of Oral Corrective Feedback for Correcting Students' Written Grammatical Errors in EFL Writing
摘要 以"互动假说"和社会文化视角的"最近发展区"为理论框架,采用叙述性文章的改写和续写任务,通过实验-前测-即时后测-延时后测的研究方法,考察了学生在英语写作中的口头反馈对英语写作冠词习得效果,并探讨了互动理论下书面语法纠错协商口头反馈的有效性。结果表明:有协商支架反馈比无协商直接反馈对学生习得英语冠词效果更显著,且反馈效果得到持续保留,为教师在课堂教学以口头反馈来提高学生语法准确性提供了实证依据。 It has regarded the "interaction hypothesis"and social-cultural perspective with the notion of zone of proximal development(ZPD) as theoretical framework in the paper,and examined the effects of oral corrective feedback on learners' acquisition of article in EFL writing by using the narrative writing task for rewriting through a experiment-pretest-immediate post-test-delayed post-test design,to explore the effects of integrating negotiated oral corrective feedback into written grammar. The results showed that negotiated feedback with scaffolding is more effective than nonnegotiated direct feedback on improving accuracy of English article; the effects of improvement are better retained in the delayed posttest,and it provided empirical evidence for teachers to improve students' grammar accuracy by adopting oral corrective feedback in the classroom teaching.
作者 宫丽 栾述文
出处 《蚌埠学院学报》 2016年第6期129-133,150,共6页 Journal of Bengbu University
基金 北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心第七批中国外语教育基金项目(ZGWYJYJJ2014A89) 青岛滨海学院教学改革青年项目(2016J53)
关键词 最近发展区 无协商直接反馈 协商支架反馈 自我纠错 zone of proximal development(ZPD) nonnegotiated direct feedback scaffolded feedback with negotiation self-correct
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