为研究鸡冠花试管花卉形成体系,给试管花卉生产提供材料资源,将鸡冠花种子播种在添加不同白砂糖浓度培养基中培养和播种在不同体积三角瓶中培养,记录开花时间,计算发芽率及株高等,结果显示,随着白砂糖浓度逐渐增大,鸡冠花的株高逐渐下降,花序的长度和宽度均先增大后减小,花序长宽比减小。当白砂糖浓度为40 g/L时,花序的长度和宽度最大,分别为6.29和5.50 cm;而且3个浓度的白砂糖对鸡冠花的花期没有显著性影响,均60 d以上。因此,白砂糖40 g/L条件下适合用于试管花卉制作。当白砂糖浓度高达70 g/L,植株株高显著小于其他组,只有6.44 cm,适合于小容器试管花卉制作。此外,在不同体积三角瓶中培养结果显示,随着培养空间的不断增加,鸡冠花的株高逐渐增加,但对花的大小和观赏期没有显著影响,只是容器越小,营养生长时间缩短,开花时间提前,因此,可以根据容器大小调节开花时间,为周期性试管花卉生产提供生产依据。
In order to study the tube flowers forming system of Celosia cristata L. and provide material for tube flower production, seeds of Celosia cristata L. were sew in culture medium at different sugar concentration and planted in triangle flasks of different volume. Germination rate, flowering time, and plant height were recorded. The results showed that the plant height of Celosia cristata L. decreased gradually with the increased sugar concentration, while inflorescence length and width showed early increase followed by later decrease and a constant decrease in inflorescence length-width ratio. The maximum inflorescence length and width, 6.29 and 5.50 cm, respectively, were observed at the sugar concentration of 40 g/L, whereas no significant difference in flowering time (all of them are over 60 days) were detected in culture medium with different sugar concentrations. Therefore, it was suitable to produce tube flower using 40 g/L of sugar. Plant height was only 6. cm at 70 g/L of sugar, which was significantly lower than that of other groups, suggesting that this concentration was suitable to produce a smaller tube flower. In addition, the increase of cultivation space resulted in increasing plant height of Celosia cristata L. but showed no effect on flower size and ornamental period. On the other hand, the decrease of space led to the shorter vegetative period and early flowering. Therefore, we can control flowering time by adjusting the size of the container.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Celosia cristata L.
In vitro flowers
Sugar concentration
Cultivation space