《欧洲语言共同参考框架:学习、教学、评估》(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:Learning,Teaching,Assessment,简称CEFR)对欧洲范围的语言教学产生了巨大而深远的影响,而且这一影响已经超出了欧洲。身处欧洲的汉语教学自然不可避免地受其影响。这种影响或是直接的,或是间接的。许多汉语教师对CEFR的了解可能仅限于其六级语言水平,而对这六级语言水平的了解很可能是通过汉语水平考试的同等级别获得的。笔者认为,这不仅是不全面的,而且甚至是不正确的。此外,从事汉语教学的教师十分有必要认真地考察CEFR本身及其延伸的应用能为汉语教学的开展带来什么益处。本文通过"欧洲汉语能力基准项目"的研发过程,就CEFR在欧洲范围对汉语教学与测评的影响从几个方面加以描述与讨论。
The CEFR( Common European Framework of Reference for Languages : Learning, Teaching, Assessment) has had a huge and lasting impact on language learning and teaching in Europe. Infact, its impact has gone beyond Europe. Chinese language teaching in Europe has, naturally, been greatly influenced by it, either directly or indirectly. Yet the knowledge of many Chinese teachers about the CEFR may be limited only to its six levels and this knowledge is usually acquired by matching them with the six levels of HSK, which is rather an inadequate, even incorrect, understanding o f the CEFR. The author thinks it necessary for teachers of Chinese to take an earnest study of what benefits the CEFR and its extended application can b ring to the teaching of Chinese language. Based on the research and development procedures of the European Benchmarking Chinese Language(EBCL) project, this article investigates some aspects of the CEFR’s impact on Chinese language teaching and assessment in Europe.
Journal of International Chinese Teaching
"欧洲汉语能力基准项目"(European Benchmarking Chinese Language
欧洲委员会(Council of Europe)的终身教育项目(Lifelong Learning Programme)(项目序号:511644-LLP-1-2010-1UK-KA2-KA2MP)资助