X光机绝对光子数的测量在X射线计量中有着十分重要的意义,对其进行测量时需先将探测器的能量—道址函数进行刻度。本文使用放射源对HPGe探测器进行能量刻度,得到其能量—道址函数且其线性相关系数R2=0.999 84。论文结合了CT成像技术,对探测器进行平行光束探测效率的MC模拟,使建模更精确。模拟结果显示,探测效率曲线在11.0 ke V处会出现吸收边,是因为Ge元素被激发产生Kα、Kβ特征X射线发生逃逸,未被记录下来形成逃逸峰所致,这与实际实验情况相符。
The measurement of the X - ray machines' absolute number of photons has a very important significance in X - ray metrology. When measureing the absolute number, the energy - channel function must be calibrated. This article uses radioactive resources calibrating the HPC, e detector and obtain the energy - channel function and the linear correlation coefficient R^2 = 0. 999 84. Using CT imaging technique which can make the model more accurate, MC simulation of the detection efficiency of parallel beam is carried out. As the result of the simulation shows, the detection efficiency curve in 11.0 keV shows an absorption edge, which is because that the Ge element is excited to Kα and Kβ feature X ray and escapes, thus the X ray is not recorded to form the escaped peak. This is consistent with the actual experimental results.
Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology