The meridian theory on the origin of conduction following the meridian, to the essence of meridian anatomy of the earliest in Huangdi Neijing. Ancient meridians learn, meridian theory, blood vessels theory is originally a theory, namely the form and development of meridian theory can be divided into three stages : the first stage is the stage of the sphygmology. The stage from the discovery of the meridian conduction phenomenon, to form a sense of meridian line as the basic framework. The second stage is the determination of points and the formation stage, this stage through the sense of starting line from meridians to moxibustion site, after cooking burning hole orifices and finalize the formation point. From the meridian line to the determination of points and marks the formation of meridian theory from observation, guide clinical practice summary up to the theory to practice, through the practice and summary of the final form, Complete the basic theory of channels, guide the clinical practice. The third stage is from the angle of anatomy research and following the sense of transmission line corresponding to the tissues and organs, according to the anatomical results, and the formation of blood vessels theory. Thus the meridian theory of the formation and development of historical context is very clear, ancient meridians learn, meridian theory, blood vessels theory is the relationship between inheritance and development.
Acta Chinese Medicine
ancient meridians learn
meridian theory
blood vessels theory
conduction following the meridian
TCM theory
acupuncture therapy