目的构建以人永生化角质形成细胞HaCaT为种子细胞的组织工程皮肤模型。方法以丝素蛋白修饰聚酯聚酰胺无纺布为支架,以人永生化角质形成细胞和成纤维细胞为种子细胞,构建检测用的新型组织工程皮肤模型。选取10种化学品作为检测物质,局部接触皮肤模型表面15 min,应用MTT比色法测定细胞相对活力。结果 3个不同批次的模型中,根据相对细胞活力值作为判定,构建的新型检测模型能够判断出8种化学品的刺激性,加入IL-1α试验后提高了模型的准确性,准确率达到75%。结论这个新的体外模型提供了有效的试验结果并证明了模型的可行性。同时它应该使用更多数量的物质进行进一步的验证,并测试在不同的实验室以适当评估重现性。
Objective To construct human immortalized keratinocytes HaCaT as seed cells for tissue engineering skin model.Methods A novel tissue engineered skin model was constructed for the detection of human immortalized keratinocytes and fibroblasts as seed cells. 10 kinds of chemicals were selected as test materials,the surface of local contact skin model was 15 min,and the relative viability of cells was measured by MTT colorimetry. Results Three different batches of the model,based on the relative values of cell viability as a decision,the new detection model constructed could determine eight kinds of harsh chemicals,after addition of IL-1αexperiment improved the accuracy of the model,the accuracy rate was 75%. Conclusions This new model provides an effective in vitro test results and prove the feasibility of the model. At the same time it should use a greater number of substances for further validation and tests in different lab oratories to properly assess reproducibility.
Medical Journal of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force