
变革型教学:一切都是为了学生——访教育技术学专家阿兰·凯灵顿和焦建利教授 被引量:12

Transformative Teaching:An Interview with Allan Carrington and JIAO Jianli
摘要 阿兰·凯灵顿(Allan Carrington),南澳大利亚阿德莱德大学eLearning研究团队前学习设计师,研究方向为通信、市场研究、印刷生产、基于互联网的教育等。阿兰2009年获"苹果杰出教育工作者"称号,2011年获阿德莱德大学优秀教学成果奖,2012年获澳大利亚高校杰出教学成果奖。博客"支持卓越"(www.designingoutcomes.com)18个月内的访问量超过29.5万人次;他的Padagogy轮(意为"Pedagogy for Pad",平板电脑教学法)海报下载量超过15万人次。截至2016年3月,Padagogy轮已被译为包括中文在内的8种语言,还有17种语言在翻译中。焦建利,华南师范大学教育信息技术学院教授,博士生导师,未来教育研究中心主任,兼任国际华人教育技术学会亚太地区分会理事、中国高等教育学会教育信息化分会特邀理事、中国职业教育微课程与MOOC联盟顾问,研究方向为教育技术学基本理论、学习科学与技术、技术支持的教师专业发展等,关于2015年获"苹果杰出教育工作者"称号。过去十多年,焦教授在个人博客"教育技术自留地"(www.jiaojianli.com)发表2000多篇文博,广受一线教师、教育技术学研究生和从业人员欢迎,先后编著翻译100多篇(部)论文或著作,主要代表著作和译著有《教育技术学专业英语》(2005年)、《教育技术学基本理论研究》(2008年)、《世界是开放的:网络技术如何变革教育》(2011年)、《教育传播与技术研究手册(第三版)》(2012年)、《教育传播与技术研究手册(第四版)》(2015年)、《慕课:互联网+教育时代的学习革命》(2015年)、《怎样做开题报告——给教育、社会与行为科学专业学生的建议》(2015年)等。 Allan carrington retired from the University of Adelaide in June 2013 after 10 years working as a Learning Designer with the e Learning Team. His has a background in communications,marketing,print production,and using the internet for education,etc. He was recognized as an Apple Distinguished Educator( Class of 2009) and has won two major Learning and Teaching Awards. Allan has been awarded the 2012 Office of Learning and Teaching(OLT) Australian Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning. He is also winner of the 2011 University of Adelaide Award for Excellence in Support of the Student Experience.In the last 18 months,"in Support of Excellence"( http: / / www. designingoutcomes. com),Allan's educational blog,has had over 295,000 page views and his teaching model,the Padagogy Wheel in English as a PDF poster,has been downloaded 150,000 + times. As of March 2016,the Padagogy Wheel has been translated into eight different languages,including Chinese. With additional 17 languages still in translattion.JIAO Jianli is a professor and doctoral supervisor in the School of Information Technology in Education at South China Normal University. He is currently working as the Director of the Future Education and Research Center. Apart from that,he also serves as the Director of Society of International Chinese in Educational Technology—Asia Pacific,specially-invited Director of China Higher Education Informatization Academy as well as Consultant of Chinese League of Micro-lecture and MOOC for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. His main research interests are: fundamental theory of educational technology,learning sciences and technology,technology-related teacher professional development,etc. He was recognized as an Apple Distinguished Educator in 2015. Professor Jiao runs a very popular educational blog,"Johnnie's blog on Educational Technology( www. jiaojianli. com) ",in which he has written more than 2000 blog articles over the past more than ten years. Pro
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期4-12,共9页 Open Education Research
基金 2015年广东省本科高校教学质量与教学改革工程建设项目"医学英语翻转课堂教学模式探索与实践研究"(粤教高函〔2015〕133号)
关键词 技术增强教学 变革型教学 Padagogy轮 technology-enhanced teaching transformative teaching Padagogy Wheel
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