4Obama President Addresses the Ghana Parliament in Aeera,http ://www. america, gov/st/texttrany/20090711110050abretnuh0. 1079783. html. (上网时间:2010年4月12日). 被引量:1
5Phillip Carter, " U. S. Policy in Africa in the 21st Century", Februmy 9,2009, http://www, state, gov/p/af/rls/rm/2009/t17326.htm.(上网时间:2010年2月9日). 被引量:1
6Global Hunger and Food Security: Excerpts from Secretary Clinton' s Speeches in Africa( August 5,2009), http://www, state, gov/ s/globalfoodsecurity/129454, htm. ( 上网时间:2010年5月9日). 被引量:1
7Secretary Clinton to Announce Sudan Strategy, http://www. state, gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2009/oct/130667, htm. ( 上网时间:2009年5月9日). 被引量:1
8Obama President Addresses the Ghana Parliament in Accra, http ://www. america, gov/st/texttrany/20090711110050abretnuh0.1079783.html.(上网时问;2010年4月12日). 被引量:1
9Johnnie Carson : "Africa : Obama Administeation Committed to Partnerring with Africa", 17 September 2009, http://allafrica, com/stoties/printable/2009091701.html(上网时间:2009年9月18日). 被引量:1