目的对2005年-2014年某医疗机构胃癌住院患者的相关信息进行分析,阐明本区域内胃癌的变化特征及生存情况。方法收集2005年-2014年酒泉市某医院胃癌住院患者病案首页信息,对胃癌患者的性别、年龄、癌肿部位、户籍地、病死率、生存率等进行汇总分析。结果胃癌的高发年龄段是60岁-79岁;男性患病率高于女性;农村居民的患病率高于城镇居民;胃体癌最多占46.04%。胃癌患者年均粗死亡率男女分别为61.6/10万、34.7/10万;五年病死率城镇居民较农村居民为高。结论 2005年-2014年本区域胃癌的患病率有明显的上升趋势;发病特征较前有变化;病死率略有下降;生存时间平均为2.3年,延长0.4年,应当引起相关部门的高度重视。
Objective To analyze information of hospitalized gastric cancer patients of a hospital from 2005 to 2014 and illustrate change features of gastric cancer and survival conditions of the cancer patients. Methods The information on the first page of medical records gastric cancer patients hospitalized in People's Hospital of Jiuquan City from 2005 to 2014 were collected to analyze and summarize gender, age, cancer position, place of domicile,death rate and survival rate. Results Patients with high rate of gastric cancer is aged between 60 and 79; the prevalence rate of male patients is higher than that of females; the prevalence rate of rural residents is higher than that of urban ones; gastric body cancer accounts the most with the proposition of 46.04%. Annual crude death rate is respectively 61.6/ten thousands for male patients and 34.7/ten thousands for female patients; urban residents have higher five year survival rate than rural residents. Conclusion The prevalence rate of gastric cancer patients in the area from 2005 to 2014 showed an obvious rising trend; incidence features changed compared with before; death rate lowed a little; survival time is 2.3 years in average, with an extension of 0.4 years, which shall get attention from local relevant authorities.
Chinese Medical Record
Gastric cancer
Feature analysis
Survival rate