本文收集甘肃省39所医院近年来101251例纤维胃镜检查资料,其结果:食管疾病占总例数3.62%,其中食管癌占食管疾病44.36%;慢性胃炎占59.3%,其中慢性浅表性胃炎占67.3%,慢性萎缩性胃炎占25.63%;消化性溃疡占20.80%,其中胃溃疡占消化性溃疡的53.3%,以胃角部多见,胃溃疡与十二指肠球部溃疡之比为1.24∶1;胃癌共检出7793例占7.69%,胃窦部最多见,其中早期胃癌检出率占4.08%;十二指肠疾病以球部溃疡多见占68.5%,炎症次之。 胃镜检查合并症的发生率为1.16‰,以出血最多见,发生率为27.65/100000,因麻醉意外死亡1例。
The results of gastroendoscopic examinations in 39 hospitals of Gansu province were collectedand analyzed in this paper.
Out of the 101251 cases the incidence of esophageal diseases was 3.62%. Among them 44.36% were esophageal carcinoma. The incidence of chronic gastritis was 59. 3% with CSG 67. 3% and CAG 25. 63%. The incidence of peptic ulcer was 20. 86% in which 53. 3 % were gastric ulcer and mostly located at incisura angularis. The ratio of GU to DU was 1. 24: 1. There were totally 7793 cases of gastric carcinoma (7. 69%), in which 4. 08% were early gastric carainoms. Most of the gastric carcinoma were located at the antrum. The incidence of duodenal bulb ulcer was 68. 5% in the duodenal diseases, and that of dudenitis was less.
The incidence of complications in gastroscopic examination was 1. 16%. in which hem-orrhagia was mostly seen with, an incidence of 27. 65/100, 000. There was one case who died of anesthetic accident.
Gastoedoscopic examination, gastric carcinoma, complication.