
基于碳足迹模型的旅游碳排放实证研究——以海南省为案例 被引量:24

The Empirical Research on Tourism Carbon Emission based on the Carbon Footprint Model:A Case Study of Hainan Province
摘要 旅游过程需要消耗一定的自然资源与能源,相应地会产生温室气体排放等环境问题。为了实现旅游业可持续发展目标,旅游业碳排放和能源消耗需要限定在门槛水平之内,在此约束背景下,旅游碳足迹相关研究逐渐成为学术热点。本文基于旅游碳足迹模型的构建,以海南省为例进行了旅游碳足迹的实证分析。结果显示,2012年,海南省旅游碳足迹总量为21209.6×10。千克,年人均旅游碳足迹为638.77千克。从旅游分部门碳足迹总量和均值看,旅游交通碳足迹所占比例最高,其次为旅游住宿,旅游活动比例最低,说明旅游交通对旅游碳足迹的“贡献”最大,交通减排是旅游减排的关键;海南省是以国内市场为主的客源结构,外部交通是旅游交通碳足迹的主要产生原因,大力发展目的地内旅游公共交通,减少自驾车和出租车的比例,有利于降低旅游交通碳足迹。另外,海南省与部分旅游地相比,由于旅游市场客源结构、旅行平均距离、旅游者偏好等不同,旅游碳足迹分布呈现一定的区域差异化特征。 The process of tourism will consume certain natural resources and energy, and it will produce green- house gas emissions and other environmental impacts issues accordingly. In order to achieve the goal of sustainable tourism development, tourism carbon emissions and energy consumption need to been under the particular threshold level strictly. In this context, the academic research related tourism carbon footprint is becoming a hot academic is- sue and It generated a lot of international academic research results in recent years. The analysis of tourism carbon footprint create a new way for the research of tourism sustainable development and tourism environmental impacts . This paper made an empirical research to tourism carbon footprint of Hainan province in 2012 by building tourism carbon footprint model, the study results show that: The total tourism carbon footprint of Hainan province in 2012 was 21209.6 × 106kg, and the annual average value was 638.77kg. In the light of amount and mean value of tourism carbon footprint, the ratio of tourism transportation carbon footprint was highest in the composition of the Tourism Carbon Footprint, followed by the Tourism Carbon Footprint of accommo- dation and tourism activities, which represented that tourism transportation has mostly contribution to the tourism carbon footprint, and the most important measure of low-carbon tourism was to reduce the tourism transportation carbon footprint. The total tourism transportation carbon footprint of Hainan province in 2012 was 18791.24× 106kg, in which the total domestic tourism transportation carbon footprint was 16677.99 ×106kg, and the total abroad tourism trans- portation carbon footprint was 2113.25 ×106kg, the former is much larger than the latter which represents Hainan province is the domestic market-oriented structure. External transportation is the major causes of the Hainan provin- cial tourism transportation carbon footprint, The total external tourism transportation carbon footprint of Hainan province in 20
作者 姚治国 陈田
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期151-159,共9页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家软科学面上项目"低碳旅游与旅游消费拉动经济的一般均衡研究"(2011GXQ4B008)
关键词 旅游 旅游碳足迹 模型 海南省 tourism tourism carbon footprint model Hainan province
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