G20Cr2Ni4钢轴承滚子是安装在大型轴承上作为滚动体使用的,该滚子经表面渗碳后再经淬火回火处理。送检的滚子在试车约2 h后断裂,造成轴承失效。采用金相显微镜、洛氏硬度计、扫描电镜、X荧光光谱仪等,对该轴承滚子的开裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:金相组织、硬度、渗碳层厚度和化学成分等均合格。氢脆引起的内应力与外应力叠加是造成滚动体由内向外疲劳开裂失效的主要原因。
The surface of G20Cr2Ni4 A steel bearing roller should be quenched and tempered after carburizing when it was used as roller installed in a large bearing. The tested roller fractured after test running about 2 hours to result in the failure of the bearing. The reason on fracture of G20Cr2Ni4 A steel bearing roller were analyzed by metallurgical microscope,rockwell hardness tester,scanning electron microscope and X ray fluorescence etc. The results show that the metallographic structure,hardness,carburized layer depth and chemical composition are all qualified. The primary reason of the fatigue and brittle fracture of the roller are the combined action of the internal stress caused by hydrogen embrittlement and the external stress.
Heat Treatment Technology and Equipment