
世界各国打击“伊斯兰国”反恐立法的焦点与困境 被引量:5

Focuses and predicaments of the countries involved in the perspective of anti-terrorism legislation
摘要 随着"伊斯兰国"在世界范围扩散其活动,相关国家普遍重视强化打击"伊斯兰国"的反恐立法,其核心议题是遏制本国人员参加IS活动、防范极端分子从"伊斯兰国"活动热点地区回流入境本国而带来巨大的恐怖威胁。相关反恐立法从三个环节解决这一议题,即在出境环节针对恐怖行为和人员出行的立法;在入境环节针对入境权、公民权和国际合作的立法;在打击行动环节针对行动权限、审判量刑、社会主体反恐责任的立法。针对"伊斯兰国"活动的反恐立法具有很强的及时性、针对性,但依然存在反恐立法长期面临的一些挑战,如公民义务和权利、司法判决的综合功效、反恐权限及其政治合法性等。 With the spread of IS's terrorist activities in the world, the countries involved have attached great importance to their relevant anti-terrorism legislation. The focus concerning their anti-terrorism legislation is to curb their nationals to get involved in terrorist activities, and to stop extremists from returning inbound from the IS-based hot spots with huge terrorist threats. The related antiterrorism legislation is based on the following three aspects: One focus of the legislation is on the strict examination of the departure or exit permit of the possible terrorists; another focus is on the legislation concerning the right of entry and human rights as well as international cooperation; still another on the legislation concerning the action authority, trials and the anti-terrorism responsibility of the main social organizations. The anti-terrorism legislation aiming at IS has strong timeliness and pertinence, meanwhile there are still such challenges as civil obligations and rights, the comprehensive efficacy of judicial decisions, anti-terrorism authorities, political legitimacy and so on.
作者 贾宇 张金平
出处 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期99-107,共9页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 恐怖分子的回流入境 IS活动热点地区 反恐立法 inbound terrorists IS-based hot spots anti-terrorism legislation
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