①目的了解5-6年级小学生社交焦虑的状况,探讨其社交焦虑与父母教养方式、气质类型之间的关系,为提高其心理健康水平和有效地开展心理健康辅导提供依据。②方法采用父母教养方式问卷、儿童社交焦虑问卷和陈会昌气质量表对320名5~6年级小学生进行调查。③结果 43.33%的5~6年级学生存在社交焦虑的倾向,不同年级儿童在害怕否定、社交回避因子分和社交焦虑总分上有显著性差异。回归分析表明,抑郁质对5~6年级小学生社交焦虑产生正向预测作用,胆汁质、多血质、粘液质对5~6年级小学生的社交焦虑产生负向的预测作用。父母亲的教养方式对5~6年级小学生社交焦虑具有较高的预测效力。影响社交焦虑的主要因子是父亲的惩罚严厉或父亲的过度保护、母亲过分干涉等。④结论社交焦虑是5~6年级小学生面临的心理问题之一,气质类型和父母教养方式对社交焦虑有预测作用。
Objective To explore relationship of parents' upbringing mode,type of temperament and children's social anxiety of students in primary school of Grade 5 and Grade 6,and in order to provide basis for improving children's mental health and effective mental health counseling methods. Methods By using SASC,EMBU and Chen Hui-chang's Temperament Scale,320 students from two grades in four primary schools were surveyed. Results 43. 33% of the elementary school higher grades students has the tendency to social anxiety.There are significant differences on fear of negative factor,social avoidance factor and social anxiety scores in different grades( P〈0. 05). Regression analysis showed that depression temperament produced positive prediction function on children's social anxiety,choleric temperament,sanguineous temperament and mucus temperament produced negative effect on children 's social anxiety. Parental upbringing of children 's social anxiety had high prediction effect,the main factors affecting the social anxiety was father 's punishment and excessive protection and mother's excessive interference. Conclusion Social anxiety is one of the psychological problems in the Grade 5 ~ 6 grade students. The temperament types and parental rearing patterns have a predictive effect on social anxiety.
Journal of North China Coal Medical College
Social anxiety.Primary school students.Parents' upbringing mode.Type of temperament