
全球体育法的概念及其对传统法哲学的挑战 被引量:3

Concept of Global Sports Law and Its Challenge to the Traditional Jurisprudence
摘要 运用文献分析、规则解释和比较法的研究方法,在对国内外全球体育法研究现状进行梳理的基础上,提炼全球体育法的学理概念。研究认为,全球体育法是由非官方组织创设的管理国际体育运动的自治规则,其外延包括国际奥委会、国际体育仲裁院、国际单项体育联合会及其他国际性体育组织制定的规定。全球体育法的兴起对传统法哲学理论提出一系列挑战。在部门法分类上,全球体育法兼具公法和私法的特征,横贯传统法律部门,呈现公私法混合的态势,所采用的争议解决模式亦不同民事或刑事诉讼,侧重于和解、调解、仲裁等民间方式,并以国际体育仲裁院为最终裁判者。在法律创制上,全球体育法解构传统的国家立法模式,展现一种非中心化的、自由开放的和多主体参与的法律秩序,对我国体育治理现代化颇具启发意义。在法律效力上,不同于国际法的国内效力理论,全球体育法穿越了主权国家的意志堡垒,使一种建立在非主权国家合意基础上的社团意志在主权国家内部获得了法律效力,成为主权边界消弭的典型例证。全球体育法所蕴含的特质反映了体育治理的一般规律,为中国体育立法提供一种可参照的样本。 In order to review the topic of global sports law and define the concept of global sports law, literature analysis, rules interpretation and compara- tive law are used in this research. Global sports law is a group of autonomous rules designed by non-governmental organizations to govern international sports issues, including rules made by International Olympic Committee, Court of Arbitration for Sports, International Sports Federations and other international sports organizations. The phenomena of global sports law challenge to traditional jurisprudence. In the view of branches in law, global sports law embodies fea- tures of public and private law, embraces norms from all of the traditional legal branches and mixes public and private law. Thus, the dispute settlement mech- anism of international sports field includes conciliation, mediation and arbitration, rather than civil or criminal litigation. In the view of law making, global sports law destructs the model of State legislation and develops a decentralizing, open-ended and multi-agent participating legal order, which inspires the modernization of sports governance in China. In the view of legal authority, global sports law does not belong to public international law, but can be applied di- rectly in a State. It punctures the sovereign fortress and becomes a model of the sovereignty decomposition. In a nutshell, the features of global sports law can be used to enlighten the updating path of sports legislation in China.
作者 唐勇
出处 《天津体育学院学报》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期71-76,共6页 Journal of Tianjin University of Sport
关键词 全球体育法 法哲学 奥林匹克法 global sports law jurisprudence Lex Olympica Lex Sportiva
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