以现代法理学中的法律生成理论为视角,以"全球法"理论为基础,分析国际体育领域独具特色的"全球体育法"的法理基础、生成主体、生成的动因、生成的形式等几个核心法理问题。"全球体育法"建立在"全球法"法理基础之上,是独具特色的新兴体育法形态,通过对"Global Sports Law""Lex Sportiva""International Sports Law"等相关概念的辨析,将"全球体育法"界定为在体育的全球化和法律全球化双重冲击下形成的,由国际体育组织创设的,适用于全球体育运动的自治性规则。法律生成主体的多元化为国际体育组织作为法律生成主体提供了理论依据,国际体育组织是"全球体育法"的生成主体,创制了大量具有自主性和权威性的国际体育法规则,对国际体育秩序起到了至关重要的作用。国际体育运动的发展与国际体育组织的自治性需求是"全球体育法"生成的主要动因。"全球体育法"生成的形式即"全球体育法"的渊源,按照"全球体育法"发育的过程,主要包括国际体育运动中的习惯法渊源、作为制定法渊源的国际体育组织规章和作为判例法渊源的国际体育仲裁裁决3种,3种渊源的的作用各有不同,其中国际体育组织规章以其具备的制定法优势成为"全球体育法"最主要的渊源。
From the view of the formation of law in modern jurisprudence,based on the"global law"theory. this essay demonstrates the following core legal theoretical topics,including the Legal basis,legal subject,the motivations,the ways,the meanings and limitations of the formation of Global SportsLaw. The Global Sports Law is based on the jurisprudence of the Global Law,which is a particular form of emerging sports law. By discriminating relevantconcepts of"Global Sports Law","Lex Sportiva","International Sports,this essay points out that Global Sports Law come from the double impact ofsports globalization and legal globalization,which means some autonomous laws and regulations globally created by of international sports organizations.The diversification of the subject of the law formation provides the theoretical basis for the international sports organization as the legal formation subject. International sports organizations are the legal subject of the formation of Global Sports Law,which can create a large number of autonomous and authoritative rules of international sports and play a crucial role in international sports order. The motivations of law-making mainly reflect in both the developmentdemand and the autonomy of international sports organizations. The ways of the formation of Global Sports Law means also the legal sources of Global SportsLaw. According to the development process,the legal sources of Global Sports Law includes the customary law sources in international sports,the regulations of international sports organizations as statute law,the international sports arbitration awards as case law. The roles of the three sources vary,amongwhich the rules and regulations of international sports organization as the statute law sources are the most important.
WU Yihua(School of PE, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China School of PE, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, 510006, China)
Journal of Tianjin University of Sport
Global Sports Law
Generation of Law
International Sports Organizations