将中国古代的“质、剂、契、券”直接说成法律行为 ,意在为法律行为本质合法说张目 ,但通过对两者演进历史、概念对象以及各自功能的剖析 ,即知法律行为以公、私法划分为发生前提 ,以弘扬个人自由主义为文化底蕴和根本目的。而“质、剂、契、券” ,既有染于中国国家形成的“酋邦模式” ,又一直系军事、政治、礼制、律例的共有性术语 ,既曾指以“合券为证”为特征的官方具造文牒 ,又承担着敛财与推行严密监控的专政功能 ,表明两者始终都是一种绝对对立的关系。
With the division of public law and private law as the prerequisite, the fundamental goal of legal act is to advocate the personal liberalism. After analysis of the history, concepts and functions, it can be seen that there exists no real civil legal act in ancient China. Compared with the western countries, the civil legal act in ancient China, as it is much connected with the military, political, courtesy, and law, differentiates quietly with the civil legal act of the western countries in nature.
Law Science (Journal of Northwest Institute University of Politics and Law)