
社区热点微博推荐研究 被引量:7

Community Hot Statuses Recommendation
摘要 分析并总结了影响用户对特定微博兴趣的若干因素,在此基础上基于潜在因素模型提出了1个融合显式特征和潜在特征的社区热点微博推荐算法(community micro-blog recommendation,CMR),并将其用于发现微博兴趣社区热点信息.算法在3个兴趣社区上进行了实验,结果表明:1)融合2种特征信息的微博推荐效果好于使用单一特征信息的推荐;2)CMR的推荐效果好于基于转发次数的对照实验(micro-blog repost rank based recommendation,MRR);3)通过分析各个算法所推荐的微博内容,发现CMR倾向于为用户推荐兴趣社区相关微博,而MRR倾向于为用户推荐公共热点微博. Micro-blog recommendation is an effective technique to resolve the information overload problem in micro-blog systems. In this paper, we summarize and model several key factors which affect a user's interest on a specific status, including implicit features, content features (i.e., content similarity, user tags, and user's favorites), social network features, and status features. Based on the above features, we propose a community hot status recommendation algorithm—CMR (community micro-blog recommendation), which combines both explicit features and implicit features for better recommendation. Specifically, we propose a learning method to rank based framework, which learns a user's interest model of status from his preference data, including his retweets, favorites, comments, etc. Then new statuses are scored and ranked using the learned interest model. In order to measure our method's performance, we conduct a series of experiments in three community data sets (including NLP, Photography and Basketball). Experimental results show that: 1)by combining both implicit features and explicit features, our method achieves better recommendation performance than that using a single type of features; 2) compared with the MRR (micro-blog repost rank based recommendation), CMR gets better recommendation performance; 3) MRR prefers recommending hot statuss in the whole micro-blog system, in contrast CMR usually recommends community-specific statuses.
出处 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期1014-1021,共8页 Journal of Computer Research and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61433015 61272324) 国家"八六三"高技术研究发展计划基金项目(2015AA015405) 网络文化与数字传播北京市重点实验室开放课题(ICDD201204)
关键词 微博 推荐 社区 潜在因素模型 信息过载 micro-blog recommendation community latent factor model information overloading
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