针对组件级电子产品按照GJB1032要求实施ESS试验过程中出现的效率低、时间长等问题,探索了一种基于GJB1032的ESS试验条件剪裁方法,并基于筛选度模型从理论上证明了该方法的可行性。最后,针对某型号中的变频组件,运用所提出的方法制定了温度循环筛选试验条件。通过与GJB 1032中的对应条件对比,所提出的剪裁方法在不影响筛选效果的前提下,可以大大缩短试验时间,提高试验效率,节省人力资源和试验成本。
Aiming at the problem of low efficiency and long period during the process of the ESS test of the component-level electric products under the requirement of GJB 1032, this paper proposes the tailor method about ESS test condition. According to the screening strength model, the method is proved to De actionable.With this method, the temperature screening test condition is used in a frequency module. Comparing with the corresponding conditions in GJB 1032, we find that, under the premise that the screening effect does not be affected, the proposed method can cut short the test timegreatly, improve test efficiency, and save human resource and test cost.
Electronic Product Reliability and Environmental Testing