目的 通过检测并比较胰腺癌患者血清特异性N-糖链结构特征与CA19-9、CEA在早中期胰腺癌患者血清中的水平,探索血清特异性N-糖链结构特征早期诊断胰腺癌的可能性。方法 应用基于脱氧核糖核酸测序仪的荧光糖电泳技术比较并分析35例早中期胰腺癌患者血清和50例健康人群血清中N-糖链诊断早期胰腺癌的敏感度和特异性;同时检测CA19-9、CEA在早中期胰腺癌患者血清中的水平。结果 通过对血清N-糖链的分析比较,发现胰腺癌患者与健康人群的N-糖谱图基本一致,但个别糖峰下面积存在显著差异。选取升高最显著的糖峰14、17以及降低最显著的糖峰13作为特异性糖链,并进行ROC曲线分析,以log(p14×p17/p13)为指标发现曲线下面积为0.799±0.050。检测的灵敏度为84.9%,特异性为68%。CA19-9的灵敏度为61.2%,CEA的灵敏度为11.7%。结论 糖峰13、14、17有可能成为胰腺癌早期诊断的标志糖链。
Objective To test and compare CA19-9,CEA with Specific N-Glycans in early-middle stage pancreatic carcinoma serum to find a better tumor marker in early pancreatic carcinoma.Methods To find the difference of N-Glycans structure,DSA-FACE was performed in 35 early middle stage pancreatic carcinoma patients and 50 healthy human.Meanwhile,we tested CA19-9 and CEA in the pancreatic carcinoma patients at the same stage.Result The serum N-glycan profiles of pancreatic carcinoma was identified by the DSA-FACE technique.The Results showed that between pancreatic carcinoma patients and healthy persons,there were significant differences in N-glycans.The peak 13,14 and 17 were the most significant peaks which would be most likely picked as a new tumor marker of pancreatic carcinoma.Taking log(p14×p17/p13)as indicator of the ROC curve analysis,and the area under ROC curve was 0.799±0.050 with 84.9% sensitivity and 68% specificity.Meanwhile,the sensitivity of CA19-9 was 61.2%,the sensitivity of CEA was 11.7%.Conclusion The Peak 13,14 and 17 are the most significant peaks which would be picked as a new tumor marker of pancreatic carcinoma.Espicially,its sensitivity is superior to CA19-9、CEA for early middle stage patients.
Practical Oncology Journal