This paper amends and re-estimates the international competitiveness index after comprehensively considering,from the perspective of trade in value-added,direct exports of services and indirect exports materialized in manufacturing. The paper draws the following conclusion: the traditional International Market Share( IMS) index and Revealed Comparative Advantage( RCA)index overestimate the international competitiveness of the direct export of Chinese service industry because they have not excluded the influence of import intermediate inputs. Since the indirect exports of service materialized in manufacturing are not considered,the traditional IMS index and RCA index underestimate the overall international competitiveness of Chinese service industry. Even though the international market share of Chinese service industry grows year after year,the service industry still shows enormous comparative disadvantages. Worse,the comparative disadvantage of the direct export of services tends to deteriorate.Chinese capital and knowledge-intensive service industry has a very low market share and presents a strong comparative disadvantage. The paper is of the view that China should avoid being ' locked in at the lower end' of the service chain in the international specialization system. China should endeavor to raise the international competitiveness of its service industry by advancing liberalization and marketization,accumulating human capital,magnifying the outbound technical effect of service outsourcing,establishing sectorial trade policy mechanism and promoting the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry.
World Economy Studies