目的:建立强力宁片的质量控制标准.方法:对强力宁片中的刺五加、枸杞子进行薄层色谱鉴别;采用高效液相色谱法对异嗪皮啶进行含量测定.结果:薄层色谱斑点清晰,阴性对照无干扰;异嗪皮啶进样量在0.042 88~0.257 28 μg与峰面积呈良好的线性关系(r=0.999 9,n=6);平均加样回收率为97.77%,RSD=1.98%.结论:建立的TLC和HPLC专属性强、准确度高、重复性好,可用于强力宁片的质量控制.
Objective: To established the method for quality control of Qiang Lining tablets. Methods: Acanthopanacis Senticosi Radix et Rhizoma seu Caulis and Lycii Fruetus in Qiang Lining tablets were identified by TLC. The content of isofraxidin in Qiang Lining tablets was determined by HPLC. Results: The spots on the TLC plate were clear and the negative control sample didn' t disturb. A good linearity was obtained for isofraxidin in the range of 0. 042 88 - 0. 257 28 μg ( r = 0. 999 9, n = 6 ) ; the average recovery was 97.77%, RSD 1.98%. Conclusion: The method are specific, accurate and reproducible, and can be used for quality control of the Qiang Lining tablets.
Modern Chinese Medicine