以商麦5226为研究对象,研究不同浓度(0.65、0.75、0.85 mmol·L-1)外源水杨酸对水分胁迫下小麦的生理影响。结果表明,0.65-0.75 mmol·L-1外源水杨酸可以促进水分胁迫下幼苗根茎的生长,降低MDA含量和提高POD活性,提高小麦苗期的抗旱能力;但不同部位最适浓度不同,根的最适浓度为0.75 mmol·L-1,茎的最适浓度为0.65 mmol·L-1,浓度超过0.85 mmol·L-1对根茎生长有一定的抑制作用。
The winter wheat( Triticum aestivum) was utilized as experimental materials to study the physiological effects on exogenous salicylic acid of wheat seedlings under water stress(PEG-6000) with different concentrations(0.65, 0.78, 0.85 mmol·L^-1). The results showed that 0.65-0.75 mmol·L^-1exogenous salicylic acid concentration can promote seedling growth, decrease the content of MDA and increase the activity of POD. Moreover, the ability of drought resistance of wheat seedling was improved.However, under the different optimal concentrations, the effects were also different. 0.75 mmol·L was contributed to the roots, and 0.65 mmol·L^-1was suitable to the growth of wheat stems, more than 0.85mmol·L^-1concentration had inhibited effects on the growth of wheat seedlings.
Journal of Shangluo University