根据国家环保部对火力发电机组的脱硫旁路挡板限期拆除和新建机组无脱硫旁路挡板建设的要求,解决300MW级火电机组脱硫增压风机运行中保护跳闸直接导致机组停运的问题,本文主要阐述了300MW级火电燃煤机组脱硫增压风机跳闸RB(Run Back)方案设计和在多台300MW级火电机组上成功应用的实例,证明脱硫增压风机保护跳闸RB控制逻辑方案设计的合理性和必要性,并为国内300MW级火电机组脱硫增压风机跳闸RB设计与应用提供典型设计和参考方案。
Responding to the call of Ministry of Environmental Protection that the flue gas desulfurization (FGD) bypass will be removed for built plant within a time limit and will be not be designed for new plant, the problem that booster fan trip would lead to MFT is needed to be solved. In this paper, RB design for FGD booster fan trip for 300 MW coal-fired power plant and many successful application projects are introduced, meanwhile, the rationality and necessity of the RB design for FGD booster fan trip is proved and typical design and reference scheme in RB design of 300MW fossil power plant for FGD booster fan trip are provided.