目的 探索高致瘤性HL60 n细胞系在胸腺缺陷裸鼠体内致瘤的机制。方法 通过极限稀释法建立HL60 n细胞系致瘤率不同的克隆株 ,并以HL 60为对照 ,对各克隆株进行裸鼠体内、外生物学特性的比较研究。结果 高致瘤性的HL60 n/A、HL60 n/B(6只小鼠全部致瘤 ) ,其软琼脂培养集落形成率 ,特别是大集落形成率 ,较对照HL 60细胞比较差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,而低致瘤性的HL60 n/E、HL60 F克隆株 (6只小鼠中少于或等于 3只致瘤 ) ,其集落形成率与对照组比较差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5) ;超微结构观察提示高致瘤性克隆株 ,常染色质成分增多 ,异染色质少见 ,胞浆内微丝增多且排列紊乱 ;流式细胞仪细胞周期分布分析显示高致瘤性的克隆株S期细胞比例增加。裸鼠NK细胞对高致瘤性克隆株的杀伤活性显著高于对照的HL 60细胞 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,而低致瘤性克隆株与对照组比较差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5) ;组织病理观察显示低致瘤性的克隆株及对照HL 60细胞 ,所成裸鼠肿瘤组织内有大量的炎性细胞浸润 ,大量肿瘤细胞被杀伤 ,血供丰富区尤甚 ,而高致瘤性克隆株所致肿瘤组织内炎性细胞浸润少见 ,肿瘤组织增殖旺盛。结论 HL60 n细胞系的裸鼠高致瘤机制与下列因素有关 :①软琼脂集落形成率增高 ;②细胞增殖和DNA合成活跃 ;③?
Objective To investigate the tumorigenic mechanisms of human leukemia cell line HL60 n in nude mice. Methods Different clone strains of HL60 n cells were established by limited dilution and their biological features were compared with parental HL 60 cells. Results The colony yields in soft agar, especially the large colony yields of the high tumorigenic clone strains HL60 n/A, HL60 n/B were significantly higher than that of the HL 60 cells(P<0.01). There was no significant difference between the low tumorigenic clone strains HL60 n/E, HL60 n/F and the HL 60 cells. Ultrastructurally, the nucleus was highly abnormal, the euchromatic element of nuclear chromatin increased, the heterochromatin sparse, and the microfilaments in cytoplasm increased and disarranged in the high tumorigenic cells as compared with HL 60 cells. Cell cycle analysis by flow cytometer showed higher S phase fractions in the high tumorigenic cells. The killing activities of NK cells to the high tumorigenic clone strains were significant lower than to the contrast(P<0.01). The histopathological features produced by the low tumorigenic leukemia cells showed that there were many inflammatory cells infiltrated,the majority of them were lymphocytes, and many tumor cells were killed especially in vessel abundant areas. By contrast, there were few inflammatory cells infiltrated in the tumors produced by the high tumorigenic cell strains. Conclusion The mechanism of the high tumorigenic activity of the HL60 n cell line involved higher colony yields in soft agar, higher S phase fraction, decreased susceptibility to NK cell killing, and the inhibition of the host immunity.
Chinese Journal of Hematology
国家自然科学基金资助项目( 39770 330 )