从临床和实验研究角度 ,回顾总结了近 10多年来针刺对膀胱功能的调节效应及其神经作用机制。认为针刺可通过调节外周传入神经和中枢神经而改善膀胱的功能 ;针刺的这种调节作用具有双相性 。
In reviewing and summarizing the regulatory efficacy and nervous mechanism of acupuncture on the vesical functions in the resent over ten years from the angle of clinical and experimental studies,this article believes that acupuncture can improve the vesical functions by regulating the peripheral afferent nerve and central nerve and that this regulatory function in acupuncture is biphasic and the selection of the acupoints is related to nervous segment.
Academic Journal of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine