采用均相竞争法直接测定急性脑梗死患者的血浆内皮素 (ET)、心钠素 (ANP)含量 ,并动态观察其变化。结果显示 ,脑梗死患者急性期血浆 ET、ANP含量明显高于对照组 (P<0 .0 1) ,随着时间的延长 ,二者含量均逐渐降低 ,但于发病半个月后仍高于正常。经对患者发病后第 2、6、10、15天的 ET、ANP结果作相关分析 ,发现四个时段的ET、ANP含量均呈正相关关系。认为脑梗死急性期血浆 ET与 ANP之间存在相互促进、相互抑制的关系。
The levels of plasma endotheline (ET)and atrial natriuretic peptide(ANP)were measured by radioimmunoassay in 60 patients with acute cerebral infarction.The result showed that the concentration of plasma ET and ANP in patients with acute cerebral infarction were much higher than that of normal group(P<0.01).From first 48 hours to 15 days after onset of cerebral infarction,the levels of plasma ET and ANP gradually go down,bur still higher than normal group with the time goes on.The ET was positively correlated with the ANP in acute stage of cerebral infarction.This suggest that plasma ET and ANP can promote and inhibit each other.
Shandong Medical Journal