Objective To study the effects of moderate hypothermia on the mortality during twenty four hours and the content of calcium in the brain after experimental cerebral hemorrhage in rats.Method Of 134 rats were divided into two parts:(1)68 rats were used for observing of the mortality,(2)66 rats were used for determining the content of calcium in the brain.Every part was divided into three groups:(1)sham operated group,(2)nor morthermic group (37℃),(3)hypothermic group(32℃).Results During 24 hours after cerebral hemorrhage,the mortality is 36.67% in the normothermic group, and it is 4.55% in the hypothermic group.In the normothermic group,the content of calcium is remarkablely highter than that of the sham operated group and the hypothermic group.Conclusion Hypothermic therapy can reduce the mortality and the content of calcium in the brain after experimental cerebral hemorrhage in rats.
Journal of Apoplexy and Nervous Diseases