运用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术(PAGE)对甘肃滩羊产区皋兰、景泰及靖远3293只滩羊的血清酯酶(Es)、α-淀粉酶(α-Amy)基因座多态性进行了检测分析。结果表明:甘肃滩羊Es基因座存在3种基因型Es++ 、 Es+- 、 Es-- ,它们由Es+、Es-两个共显性等位基因控制,其中Es+-基因型在3个群体中均占优势,频率分别为0.620 0(皋兰)、0.666 6(景泰)、0.730 0(靖远);在皋兰群体和景泰群体中,Es-基因占优势,基因频率分别为0.540 0和0.548 4,而在靖远群体中优势基因则为Es+,其基因频率为0.525 0。在α-Amy基因座上没有检测到多态性。
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(PAGE) was applied to study polymorphism of Es and α-Amy loci of 293 Tan sheep in Gaolan county, Jingtai county and Jingyuan county of Gansu provine. The results showed that the locus of Es appeared 3 genetypes Es++, Es+-, Es which was decided by Es+ and Es- genes. Among 3 genetypes,Es+- was superior in all populations, the genetype frequencies were 0.6200(Gaolan),0.6666(Jingtai) and 0.7300(Jingyuan) resp ectively. Es- was dominant genes in Gaolan population and Jingtai population whose frequencies were 0.5400 and 0.5484 respectively correlationship with 0.5250 Es+ in Jingyuan population which was relatively superior. Monomorphism was investigated on α-Amy locus.
Journal of Gansu Agricultural University