高校教师的劳动实际上是消耗人的智力资本。在知识经济时代 ,其劳动方式不会改变 ,但获得报酬的方式却由传统的平均分配转为智力资本的分配 ,智力资本的积累也就成了高校教师的必然选择。对高校教师智力资本进行科学的动态核算 ,会使高校智力资本分配方式趋向合理性。
The labor of teachers at higher institutions is a consumption of intelligence capital. In the knowledge economy, though the mode of labor distribution remains static, the pattern of payment is changing from the traditional egalitarianism to a mode of 'to whom according to his intelligence capital.' So to accumulate intelligence capital has become a sure option to be made by teachers at higher institutions. A scientific dynamic accounting of their intelligence capital will help to create a fair mode of its distribution.
Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)