以木薯淀粉为原料 ,选用耐高温α -淀粉酶水解 ,采用正交试验和感官鉴评确定最佳工艺参数 ,即在pH 5 5、水解温度 95℃以下 ,以 1g/L酶浓度水解 10min ,可得到DE值在 2 0~ 2 5范围的木薯淀粉糊精 ,口感滑腻、色泽乳白或半透明状 ,可作为脱脂酸奶中的脂肪替代品 。
The optimum parameter was decided by the orthogonal experiment and the sensory evaluation, with 0.1% α amylase hydrating the tapioca starch for 10 minute at 95℃ and pH 5.5. With the DE value at range of 2.0~2 5, the tapioca dextrin was obtained, which obviously improving the mouthfeel and texture of skim yoghurt.
Journal of Zhongkai Agrotechnical College