主要研究了机械破壁、pH值以及麦芽根核酸酶的作用对啤酒酵母自溶过程的影响 .均质破壁能显著提高自溶速率及酵母抽提物中蛋白质和核苷酸的含量 ,麦芽根核酸酶的加入有效地提高了酵母抽提物中 5′ 核苷酸含量 ,而提高自溶时的 pH值不能显著地提高酵母抽提物中 5′ 核苷酸的含量 .因此 ,有效地提高酵母抽提物中 5′ 核苷酸含量的方法是 :啤酒废酵母经 0 .5%NaHCO3脱苦后 ,加 2倍体积无菌水和 5%NaCl,再加质量分数为 1%的核酸酶 ,搅拌均匀 ,在 4 0MPa下均质 3次 ,然后升温至 55℃ ,自溶 30h ,得到的酵母抽提物中 5′ GMP含量高达 6.37mg/g .
In this paper, the effects of mechanical cell breaking, pH and RNase from malt roots on the autolysation of yeast were studied. Mechanical cell breaking could increase the rate of autolysis and the contents of protein and nucleotides. 5′ nucleotide contents were significantly increased with the addition of RNase from malt roots. Higher pH seems to be of no advantage in the production of 5′ nucleotide. The maximum production of 5′ nucleotide in yeast extract was achieved when debittered yeast was homogenized three times at 40 MPa and autolyzed at 55 ℃ for 30 hours by adding 1% RNase from malt roots, 5% NaCl and 200% water. The 5′ GMP content in the product was 6.37 mg/g.
Journal of Wuxi University of Light Industry