随着多媒体技术的发展,如何有效应用知识可视化优化教学过程,成为图像时代教学面临的重要挑战。瑞士卢加诺大学马丁·爱普(Martin J.Eppler)教授是推动知识可视化研究的重要开拓者,在促进知识可视化的教学应用方面成绩显著。2004年,他界定了知识可视化的定义,提出视觉传播与视觉认知是知识可视化的理论基础,推动知识可视化正式成为新的研究领域。2005年,他整合形式多样的视觉表征形式,形成"可视化方法周期表",用以揭示不同形式视觉表征的异同。他和团队构建了"视觉素养"在线学习教程,提供可视化教学设计方案和案例,大力推动知识可视化在专业教学中的应用,为利用可视化方式优化教学过程提供了参考。他开发了知识传播网(www.knowledge—communication.org)、视觉素养网(www.visual—literacy.org)等知名网站,利用网络课程提升教师、学生的视觉素养,推广知识可视化及其教学应用成果。他与多所高校合作,开展知识可视化的综合研究,对不同学校、不同学科人员如何开展协同研究具有参考价值。借助于本次访谈,我们能了解马丁·爱普教授如何看待知识可视化教学应用的最新发展与未来趋势,及其研究团队如何利用知识可视化优化教学的。
With the development of multimedia technology, a wide variety of visual resources become popular with in- structors and students. to apply knowledge visualization effectively to optimize the teaching process has become an knowledge visualization research, and facilitated the teaching applications of knowledge visualization. He proposed the basic theory of knowledge visualization as visual communication and visual perception in 2004, defined the definition of knowledge visualization, and established the three-step framework for knowledge visualization. He constructed the periodic table of visualization methods, integrating many development efforts on visualization and revealing the links and differences between different forms of visual representation. It is conducive to promote the visualization research and practice, and demonstration helpful for teachers and students who want to use visualization methods. He and his team constructed the platform for and business, which visual literacy: an e-Learning tutorial on visualization for communication, engineering valuable visual design and rich visual teaching cases. He also developed the knowledge communication website ( www. knowledge-communication, org ) , visual literacy website ( www. visual-literacy, org ) and other well-known websites about knowledge visualization, in order to promote the knowledge visualization research popularized. In addition, he cooperated with some famous universities, carried out the comprehensive and crossover study on knowledge visualization. He and his team conducted the collaborative research between different schools and different disciplines. Through this interview, we attempt to know how Martin J. Eppler' s views on current status and trends of the teaching application of knowledge visualization and also aim to understand how his research team optimi- zes teaching
Open Education Research
knowledge visualization
visual teaching
knowledge communication