使用CQKJ-Ⅲ矿渣熔化温度测定仪和MTLQ-RD-1300半球熔点熔速综合测定系统,通过正交实验研究碱度、BaO(6% ~ 14%)、CaF2(0~10%)和Al2O3(18% ~28%)对基础精炼渣系CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-MgO-CaF2半球熔点(熔化温度)和熔化速率的影响.结果表明,对高碱度精炼渣熔点的影响因素为CaF2 、BaO、Al2O3、碱度(R)依次减弱;对熔速的影响因素为碱度(R)、Al2O3 CaF2、BaO依次减弱,提高精炼渣碱度同时添加适量的Al2O3可以降低精炼渣的熔点和提高熔速,BaO、CaF2的加入也能不同程度的降低精炼渣的熔点,提高精炼渣的熔速;当碱度为4~5,BaO 10% ~ 14%,Al2O3 23% ~ 28%,CaF25% ~ 10%时,精炼渣的熔点比较低(约1 340℃),熔速比较大(熔化时间<50 s);减小高碱度精炼渣的粒度可以降低熔渣的熔点和提高熔化速率.
The effect of basicity, BaO(6% - 14% ), CaF2 (0 - 10% ) and A1203 ( 18% - 28% ) on semispherical melting-point and melting rate of basic refining slag series CaO-SiO2-Al= 03-MgO-CaF2 has been studied with CQKJ-III min- eral slag melting temperature measure device and MTLQ-RD-1300 semispherical melting point (melting temperature) and melting rate comprehensive measuring system and by orthogonal examination. Results show that the influence factors on melting point of high basicity refining slag are CaF2, BaO, A1203 and basicity R and weaken sequentially, and the se- quence of influence factors on melting rate are basicity R, A1203 , CaF2 and BaO; it is available by increasing refining slag basicity and adding suitable A1203 to decrease melting point of refining slag and increase melting rate, while the refining slag melting point decreases and its melting rate increases in varying degree by adding BaO and CaF2 ; with basicity 4 - 5, 10% ~ 14% BaO, 23% -28% A1203 and 5% - 10% CaF2, the refining slag has lower melting point (about 1 340℃ and larger mehing rate ( melting time 〈 50 s ) ; with reducing the size of high basicity refining slag particles the melting point of slag decreases and the melting rate increases.
Special Steel