利用小麦 -异源直接杂交法回交结合开放授粉处理 ,在诱发材料制造的条锈病流行条件下 ,从组合Curren cy/小偃 6号 //川育 12号 /3/A30 2中选育出小麦 -黑麦染色体代换易位系NR98117- 9S等 5个小麦材料。这些材料大都具有与亲本小麦品种小偃 6号及川育 12号不相上下的农艺性状 ,对条锈生理小种条中 31和混合菌种表现高抗 ,可作为四川小麦抗条锈病育种的亲本加以利用。文中还讨论了小麦育种中的间接选择在创制小麦 -黑麦染色体代换易位系上的可行性。
Under the condition of wheat stripe rust epidemic induced by spreader lines. 5 wheat rye substitution translocation lines including NR98117-9S are developed from the accession of “Currency/Xiaoyan 6//Chuanyu 12/3/A302” through the treatment of wheat alien direct hybridization backcrossing together with open pollination. These lines exhibited not only the better agronomical traits than their wheat parents Xiaoyan 6 and Chuanyu 12, but also high resistance to wheat stripe rust mixed races and race CYR-31. Therefore, the above lines can be utilized as important parents to Sichuan wheat breeding for stripe rust resistance. In addition, the reliability of indirect selection in the process of wheat breeding for the development of wheat-rye chromosomal substitution translocation lines is also discussed in the present paper.
Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University