运用A PAGE及SDS PAGE技术 ,对 6个杂交组合入选的F4~F8世代的高抗条锈病株系进行品质优化筛选。从 14 0个高抗条锈病株系中筛除了 4 2个 (30 % )具有Gli B1l位点的 1RS/ 1BL易位系 ;在 89个无 1RS/ 1BL染色体的株系中 ,选出了 32个 (35 96 % )HMW GS组成为 1或 2 或N(Glu A1)、7+8或 17+18(Glu B1)、5 +10 (Glu D1)株系 ;SDS沉淀值采用CIMMYT微量法测试 ,受检 9个材料中的 4个达到了 12 0~ 14 5mL。结果证明 ,在可以鉴别杂种后代抗条锈性的世代才开始运用A PAGE和SDS PAGE技术进行品质性状选择 ,是提高四川小麦抗病及品质育种选择效率的方法。
With aim to optimize the end use quality of wheat lines in breeding program, total 140 F 4 to F 6 progenies exhibiting high resistance to stripe rust derived from 6 crosses were examined by APAGE and SDS PAGE. 42 progenies (about 30%) contained 1RS/1BL wheat rye translocation chromosome which expresses the gliadin encoded by Gli B1 l. From the 89 non 1RS/1BL lines, we selected 32 progenies (about 35 96%) with HMW GS composition of 1, 2 * or N in Glu A1, 7+8 or 17+18 in Glu B1, 2+12 or 5+10 in Glu D1. 4 in the above 9 selected lines embodied SDS sediment value up to 12 0~14.5mL by small amount measurement, which referred the protocol from CIMMYT. The result indicates that applying the APAGE and SDS PAGE to select the progenies with high resistance to stripe rust is a reliable method to enhance selective efficiency for combining rust resistance and quality improvement in Sichuan wheat breeding practice.
Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University